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맥 용 메신저 다운로드 Microsoft Messenger for Mac 7

비록 저가 맥을 사용하지는 않지만, 혹시라도 필요하시는 분이 계실것 같아서 올립니다...

얼마전에 마이크로소프트회사에서 맥 용 메신저7를 출시했습니다..

소개는 영문버전

Microsoft Messenger for Mac 7

Messenger for Mac 7 is an integrated communications client that enables you to communicate with contacts within and outside your organization. Messenger for Mac 7 is a Universal application that is built to run on both PowerPC-based and Intel-based Macs and makes it easy to take advantage of the full power of real-time communications.

Microsoft Messenger for Mac 7다운로드

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